Posting FROM Cyprus

We can post your Letter/Mail etc. FROM Cyprus to any Destination. This is useful if your Mail needs to show that it originates in Cyprus.
You can send us your Mail via Email or Snail Mail and we will type & print it out here and post it OR you can send it to us ready written and we will put it in a new envelope and post it.
Prices vary depending on Volume.Please inquire


We are able to translate your Letters into German (native German speaker). Other Languages can be accommodated via our Partners on Request.

General Typing Work

If you do not have enough hours in the day to do your typing we can type your letters for you and post them if required (see Posting FROM Cyprus above)

Payments on your behalf

We can make Payments on your behalf to Municipalities, Waterboard, Electricity Board (AEK) and other Institutions.
For this Service you will need to have a Credit Balance in your Account with us from which we can draw to pay the required Service. Alternatively if the Payment Date is not imminent you can PayPal us the Amounts and we will pay in Person at the Board. A small Commission Amount will be payable.

Other Services on Request